Saturday, 28 December 2024

watching watchers watch watchers

get rid of the CCC, corruption and crime commission.

when it finds corruption there is an appeal to a parliamentary commissioner.

whatever the results of the appeal, tere is an appeal to the premier.
after that? appeal to the high court?
what next, a letter to the King?

either trust the CCC to correctly identify corruption
... or close it down.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


early easter buns

various letter writers complain that christmas advertising starts very early. that christmas is barely over and easter buns are on shelves.
and why must we celebrate christmas by calling, happy holidays.

well, good news. we are allowed to celebrate easter with or without commercial fruit buns.
it is still legal, so i believe, to say merry christmas. especially if that is what we are celebrating.

one excellent suggestion is to merge the two seasons.
while at it, we may as well add happy hannukah and buy some potato pancakes.
plus happy kwanzaa while eating supermarket sweet potato pie.
and call ra ra ramadan while eating, well, very little. (no shop will fall for that one )

merge all religious food and festival fads into one, get the lot over with. all in one enormous commercial festive season.

although, no...

only christians seem to be subject to commercial profiteering. other religions will still scream about religious persecution. and, most likely, throw bombs.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Friday, 27 December 2024

better teachers

thank god for the genius of terry walker, letters 27 dec.

with no knowledge of teaching, all he needs is an hour in the lunch room, to identify "good" teachers.
he does seem to have a simple measure:

look how neatly mr canehard removes the crusts of his peanut butter sandwiches. the school canteen could sell those sandwiches at a huge profit. Double that man's salary.

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Wednesday, 25 December 2024

energy, clean and stable

To solve our energy "crisis" we must use geothermal energy.

Geothermal is low risk, non-polluting, unlimited  and stable.

energy "experts" fight over various unstable and destructive sources of energy.

we continue to burn non-renewable fossil fuels,
... and continue to destroy our climate.

We switch to wind and sun sources then burn more fossil fuels to maintain a stable supply.

then our experts claim that nuclear power is the only stable alternative.

with its huge cost. High risk and ten thousand years of deadly waste product.

Meanwhile, we sit on top of -- and ignore -- geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy is already in use for heating and cooling homes. In Perth and even in chilly England. The technology is as simple as a trench and a pipe.

Or drill a hole to get sufficient energy for heating and cooling a home.

Very simple technology -- with zero pollution. A clean, simple and stable source of energy.

Geothermal energy is effectively unlimited. It is stable, pollution-free and waste-free.

For enough geothermal energy to generate electricity we simply drill deeper...

Yes, drill a lot deeper but the technology is already developed.

Very simple technology which can easily be positioned as a replacement for existing fossil fuel power stations.
To provide steady base-load power
drawn from the unlimited energy of the Earth's molten core.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

on the internet no-one can see the crayons in my nose

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Saturday, 21 December 2024

Nice. of course

It's the time of year when the comics make a lot of jokes about kids being naughty or nice. All very funny :-)

An article in The West destroys any possible fun.

Parents are now expected to put up a spy doll. A "shelf elf"

The child is told that the elf is spying and reporting.
How absolutely horrible :-(

Worse: the parent is expected to move the elf every day.
Spying from anywhere. Neither parent nor child is allowed to relax.

And the elf must be accessoried -- more than just dressed up. At extra, daily, expense. Accessoried with worthless elf junk which then goes into the bin... landfill.

The spy elf will also have a microphone.

Every childish joke will be recorded.
And... you can bet
... sent to China, for more marketing.

Not just the children's words: Every word in the household will generate tailored, sponsored, targetted marketing.

An absolutely sick "toy" :-(

A solid, sordid, exercise in marketing.

Thank goodness for the childrens' page in the local Community Post newspaper.

The headline is simple:

You have all been very nice :-)
Hi kids!

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Independent Dexitroboper

you cannot back into the future


Friday, 20 December 2024


perth has been Dullsville for 25 years.
that would by why so many people have moved to perth... looking for a peaceful, pleasant , safe place to live.

now basil z is pleased to announce that perth is a vibrant family friendly -- over-crowded -- city.

perhaps all those eastern staters will return home. to continue their work of converting melbourne etc to concrete and steel ghettos.

and leave perth to be a quiet, peaceful, safe -- dull -- place for the rest of us to live and enjoy.

on the internet no-one can see the crayons in my nose

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


teacher burnout

public school teachers are quitting in droves.
burnt out, reportedly, by the increasingly complex needs of students.

let's be honest:
the real problem is the increasingly complex *demands* of students. and of their parents.

my little johnny is not a mindless trouble-maker...
he is neuro-diverse. therefore every teacher must prepare a unique lesson plan for little johnny. So that he may adequately deal with his socially-induced urge to stick knives ito other students.

on the internet no-one can see the crayons in my nose

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Tuesday, 17 December 2024

WA small business

today The West Editoral looks at small rather than large business.
as usual the suggestion is that the government should throw money at business. in this case, reduce payroll tax.
i imagine the tax itself is not the worst problem.

consider a sandwich shop:
... an hour satisfying health regs.
two hours on paperwork, to prove that all regs were satisfied.

leaving half an hour to make an actual sandwich.

simplify the calculation of payroll tax. so the amount owing is... quickly... known to the business.
then it can ... easily ... be included in the cost of doing business. rather than an extra burden of paperwork at the end of an already busy work day.
allow the business owner to run the actual business
teher than providing paperwork for govt.

apart from that
.... yes!
... support WA small business as much as possible,
it does more for WA than all the major miners combined


on the internet no-one can see the crayons in my nose

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Monday, 16 December 2024

andrew miller wants uni graduates to "pay attention to the things you see that others don't."

good idea.
that way you can spend your working life labelled a loose cannon and trouble-maker.
While watching the liars and arse-lickers getting praise and promotions.

on the internet no-one can see the crayons in my nose

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Thursday, 12 December 2024

rotto rioters

Elliot Brill, Letters, suggests a delay to drivers licences for under-age students who riot on Rotto.
Instead, they each get a free trip home.

It would make more sense to leave the children where they are.
Let them wait on the Rotto jetty until their parents arrive to take them home. At the parents' expense.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

What I pray for: Strength to change what I can, Inability to accept what I can't, Incapacity to tell the difference

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Act of War

Fire-bombing Australian citizens on Australian soil
is not a crime.

It is an act of war.

the enemy "soldiers" were not in uniform therefore they need to be shot dead on sight.

They are not criminals... These are enemies of Australia in an undeclared war. They have committed an act of war against Australians in Australia.

... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands

You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Saturday, 7 December 2024

Act of War

An enemy of Australia has attacked Australian citizens on Australian soil.
This is an act of war.

Yes. the firebombing of an Australian synagogue.

Hate crime? bull.

terrorism, no.

Enemy soldiers have attacked Australians in Australia.

We are now at war.

Who are the enemy?

We may never know. Other than anonymous cowards. As in any war -- soldiers not in uniform are shot on sight, as spies.

What we can guess, at least, is that our enemy is anti-Israel.

In general, my sympathies are vaguely anti-israel.
They use ancient self-written religious texts to justify gradual expansion and regular killing ofanyone who is not Israeli.

But what they do in their own part of the world is their own concern.
I may object, be disgusted but, if they want to be vicious barbarians, that is who, what they are. I have no right to interfere in their internal wars of extermination.

Now an enemy of Israel -- that seems to be who is involved -- an enemy of Israel has brought war to Australia.

We don't have to be friends of Israel.

Now, however
... we are definitely enemies of at least one enemy of Israel.
An enemy of secretive cowards.

No, we can't declare our own war on this enemy of Australia.

What we can do is to support Israel. Not with a war of revenge. Not while our enemy is unidentified.

yes, the firebombing was an act of war.
An attack on Australians on our own soil.

We are now at war with an undeclared enemy.

we cannot attack the hidden enemy on suspicion.

we can provide support --short of actual war  -- to the country whose enemies are now, also, the enemies of Australia.


You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Friday, 6 December 2024

sculptures by the sea

it costs a lot to run our annual Sculptures by the Sea.
No-one want to pay for it.

the sculptures travel round the world.
as do the artists, who have to decide where to hang the sheets of plastic, or stick the bamboo sticks in the sand.

i have a lot of sympathy for the letter writer who thinks it's not art, just rubbish.

deb and i like to go -- largely to have a laugh.

this year there is no federal arts funding.

no surprise, by the time the exhibits get to WA they have already been displayed at Bondi. why pay to ship them even further.

Now it gets ridiculous:

our Philistine Premier is desperate to get votes.
He convices the PM to fly to WA... and to sponsor the sculptures.

here's a better idea:

the PM stays in canberra.

send a cardboard cut-out for the photo ops.

save the cost of the PM's air fare
... use that money to sponsor
... half a dozen Sculptures by the Sea by *local* WA artists.

eg Sculptures by the Bay , Dunsborough, I think it is.
Or the display of recycled sculptures which ran in Rockingham. And was far more memorable than that year's "by the Sea"

But no. If Bondi has it, WA must follow suit.
Even though no-one in WA in interested in sponsoring.

We should support WA artists.
support WA exhibitions
Leave the PM to buy his own votes in Bondi.


You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


rant or rage

i generally start the day with a chuckle, or a blog rant at the stupid stories in the paper.
Yesterday one story went straight past ranting to anger.
We are expected to express sympathy for a violent thug who breaks into a house and dies while threatening the young family with a machete. Sympathy?

if it were my young family
... I just hope that I would have the means
... and the ability
... and the courage
... to immediately kill the intruder.
i would do so
... with neither sympathy nor remorse.


You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


older woman

nicole kidman stars as a 57 year old "successful"CEO.

in real life she is a maturing actress who worries that she is no longer getting roles as "a sexual being".

so in career and in movie she saves herself by faking the dirtiest possible orgasm.

oh yeah.
won't that really raise the status of women in the eyes of male domestic violence abusers.

kidman can do it. give me a orgasm or i'll smash your face in. again.

dragging "success" and respect down to her personal gutter.

You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Tuesday, 3 December 2024


i enjoy watching the ads for tablet games.
some games could be fun.
well, i do enjoy Find the Cat :-)

one game gets a lot of ads. ZenWord.

i mostly ignore it because it claims to be... challenging. not at all what i want.

tho it also claims to cure insomnia. prevent dementia. make me look younger. all pushed by a "neurologist"

wow! must be a terrific game :-)

so what does it do?
asks you to find words, apparently.

search for lots of words and this game will
... according to its own ad.


did you miss that?

oh well, i guess i'll just pass the game on to my mate Brian.

i'm sure that the rest of the game will be just as useful :-)


You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


Monday, 2 December 2024

more money for mining mates

wannabe lithium miners have their hands out, demanding government -- our -- cash.

oh dear, they say, give us money or we will go away.

no one wants their lithium.
why should government support a failing industry.

(yes, okay, we all know -- government support is in exchange for future board positions and other bribes.

let's, for now, pretend ignorance and look at the recent past.

the state Labor govt gave a billion to a lithium miner.
in exchange, the miner dug giant holes and employed a few hundred apprentices.

then the miner closed up shop.

sacked every apprentice.

left the state.
left the giant holes.

probably took away their... our... billion dollars.

certainly no intention of returning it.

thegoverment gives money to its rich mining mates.
with zero -- or negative -- return.

are politicians idiots?

i go with the more obvious explanation:

politicians are criminals who are quite happy to accept bribes.

You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


no interest

andrew miller is asked,
how do i get these medical students interested in examining patients.

his answer rambles, he's never very clear in his writing.

but, as far as i can understand it, his response is absolutely correct.
to paraphrase:

if a medical student is not interested in examining a medical patient then tell them to...

bugger off, change their enrolment to engineering. or to whatever is today's vague interest.

idiot students.

You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper