It is time for Australians to drop the phrase "truth telling".
It is both racist and offensive.
Yes, we all understand that Blak people were "there" and that their memories are still painful.
Yet "Truth telling" is used to tell the world that the *only* truth -- of our shared Australian history -- is the spoken memories of Blak people.
The obvious corollary is that any words spoken by Whyt people must be lies.
Are the Whyt written records also lies?
What about photographs taken by contemporary Whyt people?
Are they also Whyt lies?
The phrase "truth telling" is both racist and offensive.
What it does is to drive a wedge between Blak and Whyt Australians.
When we refer to "history telling" --then we can build a true picture of our shared Australian history.
A history shared by Blak and Whyt.
Yes, the truth may be ugly. It may be painful.
"truth telling" is deliberately one-sided and racist.
"history telling" allows for the complete story to be told.
This may allow healing -- possibly even understanding.
Then we can move forward. As one country.
If that is what we want.
... Nick Lethbridge, Churchlands
This is
You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper